Probably my favorite fishery in the Fraser Valley is just starting to pick up. With the colder, wet temperatures we've been having this year it has started off a lot slower than normal. The fishery I'm talking about is for Sea-Run Bull Trout. These large Char begin making the journey up several coastal rivers to their headwaters where they will spawn in the fall. They are great on the fly rod and can be caught on a bunch of different methods. My favorite (as well as most people I guide) is to swing, and retrieve very large streamers. Typically I have my guests fish different colors and see which one is producing better in that days conditions, but if I have a choice I always grab a BIG black one with lots of movement. Most fish average between 3 and 5 lbs, but I've landed them as big as 14! I would say that no matter how many we hook, or how big they are, the best part about chasing these fish is the places we have to go to catch them. The scenery is fantastic, and as many of you know I have built a boat specifically to get to these types of locations. Its not unusual to see deer, elk, bear, and over the last few seasons, even a wolf or two!