Jens-Erik Skaaning

Jens-Erik Skaaning
My name is Erik Skaaning, and I'm lucky enough to live in the greatest place on Earth! British Columbia. Bowhunting and Flyfishing are my life. As a professional guide since 1995,I've been helping others from around the world, realize their dreams. I hope you enjoy following along on some of my adventures below.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Cutthroat fishing

Spent today chasing some cutthroat trout on the fly with my new friend Tom from Montana! The weather wasn't as nice as the weekend but it felt real fishy. There are a pile of salmon fry migrating out to sea right now and the fish are becoming a little more picky than they have been over the last few weeks. Tom still managed a few nice ones. We explored the area a bit and in the end had a great day.
Here are a few pics, enjoy.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Has Spring sprung???

Wow, it's been a beautiful couple of days in the Fraser Valley! It was nice to not be huddled up over the boat heater for a change. Had some guys from Prince George out that said they still had snow in their yards at home, yet we were fishing in t-shirts. Well, some of us were!LOL!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Fishing for dinosaurs!

Well, even though I consider myself a diehard fly fisherman, I would have to admit I have a soft spot for one creature that requires a little different technique. The White Sturgeon are a slow growing, bottom feeder, that are a blast to fish for! We use a variety of baits, and some heavy gear when targeting these ancient fish. I had the pleasure of fishing with four guy's from the Mission area yesterday. The day started off as usual, with a few missed opportunities. The key to sturgeon fishing is knowing when and how to set the hook. With a quick lesson and a few practice swings it wasn't long before we were into fish. In the end we ended up landing fish in the double digits, with a few of them measuring over five feet! Just another great day at the "office", with some great guy's!
A few pics from our morning, enjoy.......

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My first post!

Well, I've never been very good with computers but was looking for a way to let others see how things were going here. I was told this was the easiest way, and would like to thank Duncan at DLT photo for helping me get set up. Whether it's my relatives checking up on me, or a client trying to see how the fishing is going, I think it will be a fun way to share the "lifestyle" I've been blessed with! I have a fishing charter in the morning for White Sturgeon, and hope to have some pics and a story to post. Till then........... Tight lines