Well, I never should have opened my mouth! When I went to bed there wasn't a cloud in the sky. At 2am I was woken by the rain pounding on my roof! Long story short the river had risen about 3 feet and looked like a coffee with 3 creams in it. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade they say! We poked around the mouths of a few feeder streams, and did a little exploring, but eventually we had to try the main stem. It was time for some strategy........HUGE profile Electrik leeches swung on short, light heads, right in to the bank in every little piece of quiet water off the main river we drove past. I love lemonade ;) and when a plan comes together! When we left this evening, the bad weather had passed, and the water had dropped and cleared a lot, should be a great week!
A blog for clients, friends, and family to follow along on my outdoor adventures! Enjoy!
Jens-Erik Skaaning

My name is Erik Skaaning, and I'm lucky enough to live in the greatest place on Earth! British Columbia. Bowhunting and Flyfishing are my life. As a professional guide since 1995,I've been helping others from around the world, realize their dreams. I hope you enjoy following along on some of my adventures below.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Good friends, Good food, and Good fishing!
I find it hard to refer to some people as ''clients''? I fish with a bunch of great people over the years that they become my friends. I know all about their families, their hobbies (other than fishing of course!), and their jobs, and they all seem to care about what's going on with mine! I really look forward to fishing, visiting, and sharing a few laughs with them a couple times per year. The last couple days were a blast! I can't put it into words very well, so just enjoy some pics of some Chinook, Bulls, Scenery, and some Sushi.... Yup that's right, we had the best fishing lunch that I can remember! Thanks Kevin.
MMMMM 120 sushi rolls!!! |
bull trout,
bulltrout flyfishing,
chinook salmon,
Erik Skaaning,
sockeye salmon,
Upper Pitt river
Sun is starting to shine :)
Fished in some wet, cold weather the last week which has meant CLEAR water! got some great fish and saw a bunch of critters, elk, deer, bear, and even a big toad (or frog?). Finally started hooking some salmon, so with the warm weather the water should begin to get some color and we will be getting sore arms!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Final Destination!
After my previous post on Electrik Leeches, I figured you'd want to see them in they're intended destination! Several hogs couldn't resist them, and again I had tired arms, and a sore face from all the grinnin'! Got another pic of Momma and her baby for you to enjoy as well:)

blacktail deer,
bull trout,
Upper Pitt river
A little Bull Trout fishing clip
An older video I found on youtube of me catching some bulls in a little back channel.
Clip taken by Rick Baerg, a fishy guy that used to guide with me alot before he moved to "gods country"!
Monday, July 18, 2011
''Electrik'' Leeches
I like to carry bugs in 2 colors, and 2 sizes. Dark bugs being combos of black/purple, black/blue, blue/chartreuse. For bright bugs it's hot pink, white/olive, white/tan. I include some flash, but not an over the top amount. I like the movement of natural materials so I use marabou, schlappen, rhea, and ostrich.
The 2 sizes are tied in different styles, my ''big'' patterns, which are in the neighborhood of 4'' are tied on waddington shanks, with a loop of braided line attached in a manner that your hook of choice can be looped on. The hook size varies from one fishery to the next, but for an all around hook I use an Owner #2. The beauty of the stinger hook is that if the hook gets dull, you can simply remove it and loop on a new one. I also feel you hook up a greater percentage of those half hearted takes. When swinging these intruder type flies you want them to be running just like the Beastie Boys song, ''slow and low, that is the tempo". Most times the take will be a slow, spongy sort of feeling, and will be dismissed as bottom till you set the hook and the rods starts pumping! Here is an example of one tied stinger style in black and purple which is my favorite fly hands down! The second is the hot pink.
The other size, which I call my small pattern still measure up at about 2 1/2'' long! but are tied on either a #2 or #4 2XXlong Tiemco. These work better when the water is clear or if my clients can't chuck a half wet chicken. To get the movement I like in my flies, they're tied with materials that tend to grab air and stay a bit buoyant, so I generally wrap the shank of the hook with .030 lead wire. Char are especially notorious for following swung flies out of the current and then taking them while being retrieved. The lead helps the fly to rise and drop when a generous pause is done between strips back in, triggering a strike that will startle you! Usually this happens within the first 5 strips or so. Below are examples of the same flies tied on the long shanks.
There are a million different patterns, and we all have different ideas about size and color but this is what works for me, and I think if you have too many different ones in your boxes to choose from you'll spend more time changing them, and second guessing them, than fishing!
Anyways..... Back to my vise!
Erik Skaaning,
Erik's electric leech,
fly pattern,
spey flies
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Raining Bulls!!
Man will this rain ever go away? As long as the fishing remains this good, I could care less!
Saw a nice, small herd of elk cows! My highlight of the day other than the one cast I made that resulted in a beauty Bull Trout.
Some more pics from today,
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Yes, I have a "Real Job"!!!!!
If I had every person that has said, "this isn't a job", or "you've got the best job ever", or my favorite, " when I die, I want to come back as Erik", put a loonie in a bucket, I could buy a new boat!! I'm not saying that I don't agree, but a lot people have a different idea of what my job is! %95 of my family and friends believe that I just fish all day, but in fact I never fish, when the fishing is good I'm busy helping others catch them. If I'm not working it means that the fishing is slow so I'm busy doing other things. BUUUT, on occasion, you happen to spend the day with someone who doesn't mind sharing stories and a bit of their water with you which is exactly the situation I had yesterday....... Thanks Chris!
Man it felt good to stretch the arms a bit, and stay a bit warmer in this lovely summer weather?!
A few pics from my day,

KIds, Tourists, and Sturgeon
Been filling the gaps between fly fishing trips with a few enjoyable afternoons sharing some secrets of the Fraser rivers least known about critters. Was really reminded by the looks on the faces of both young and old, how lucky I am to live, and do what I do!
Erik's angling adventures,
fraser river,
Monday, July 11, 2011
And so it begins!!
Well, the Bull Trout season is in full swing after a slower than usual start! And just in time, as I start a busy daily routine of commuting 2 1/2 hours by truck and jetboating another 65 miles every day for the next 3 weeks! I do have one day off in there (july 24th) so if anyones interested now is the best time for Char, and the Chinook and Sockeye are only a few days away. Here's a couple pics from today, shared the river with a doe and her newborn fawn, and helped my client hook into a bunch (double digits!!) Bull Trout on the fly.
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