There is NOTHING better than still hunting your way along the side of a mountain, hoping for a chance to get within bow range of Blacktail buck! Yesterday I did exactly that! Was able to call this buck in using a Primos grunt tube, to 28 yards. After the shot he ran 30 yards and dropped out of sight? Weird, I thought to myself? I eased down to retrieve my arrow out of a cedar tree that it stuck in after passing clean through the buck. The blood trail was huge and there was no doubt in my mind that he laid right over that hill. HAHA, he was over the hill alright! And 35 feet down in the bottom of a waterfall! With a bit of caution I eased down to the bottom and cleaned and washed him up. 30 minutes later I had him up to where I could snap a few shots and process him. I was a loooong way from any roads so I had to process, and pack him out to my truck. I posted a few pics of what the country is like that these deer inhabit, thick, dense, wet bush that makes it very hard to find a buck, let alone slip an arrow through to its target so I consider myself very lucky to have taken this nice 3x3 Blacktail :) Definitely the hardest of the 3 species of deer that I hunt with a bow! Enjoy the pics.

What Blacktail country looks like! |
How, and where I found him! |
Nice 3X3 |
Hard to take a good photo by yourself?? |
1 butchered Blacktail buck |
All packed up for the hike down |