Jens-Erik Skaaning

Jens-Erik Skaaning
My name is Erik Skaaning, and I'm lucky enough to live in the greatest place on Earth! British Columbia. Bowhunting and Flyfishing are my life. As a professional guide since 1995,I've been helping others from around the world, realize their dreams. I hope you enjoy following along on some of my adventures below.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Never know what's going to come into the decoys??

Spent the last couple days shotgunnin for waterfowl. A great field shoot last night ended with 7 mallards and 1 pintail. This morning resulted in 3 mallards and a coyote! Yup, that's right a coyote! Seems that my duck call must sound real enough, and the decoys look right because this 4 legged killing machine was comin in hot, but was dropped in his tracks at 20 yards......

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