Jens-Erik Skaaning

Jens-Erik Skaaning
My name is Erik Skaaning, and I'm lucky enough to live in the greatest place on Earth! British Columbia. Bowhunting and Flyfishing are my life. As a professional guide since 1995,I've been helping others from around the world, realize their dreams. I hope you enjoy following along on some of my adventures below.

Friday, September 28, 2012

MONSTER birthday sturgeon!

Well with all the "talk" about huge sturgeon being caught on the Fraser River lately, I thought I'd share a cool story with everybody that follows our blogs rather send the story and pics into the paper! The day started out as usual, meeting my guest Steve and his wife Joe for the first time at the hotel. They seemed excited with all the recent news of big fish being caught on the Fraser! The usual comments were thrown around on the drive to the launch like, " I want a big fish"! I responded as usual with my "be careful what you wish for"! I also used my usual, "lets try and get one bigger than you" line, but the problem was that he was 6 foot something and pushing 300 lbs!   Steve was no stranger to fishing, and had landed catfish to 150 lbs so I had my work cut out for me. It also happened to be his birthday, so it was doubly important to find him a good one ;)  I explained that the average fish we catch is in the 3-5 foot range but this time of year can produce BIG fish. Arriving at the first drop we ran into a dozen seals soaking up whatever heat they could on a boom of logs. Wasn't too long and Steve was into his first fish. Just under 5 feet, Steve commented on how well it fought and I joked, "so can you imagine how a big one will fight!" The next few bites took place while Steve has his back turned or doing something else resulting in a few late swings and clean misses. Shortly after lunch we got a great bite, and this time he saw it and struck like he meant it!! Next thing you know this giant creature comes flying out of the water shaking it's head trying lose the hook! Steve kept his cool, and it jumped again! Now if you've never seen a fish this big jump, it's crazy! I looked at Steve and said that I only saw 3/4 of it and there was 8 feet!! Luckily I had a guy on board that can fish, but even with his size and strength we had trouble getting it close to the boat! After 45 minutes we managed to pull it along side the boat, only to have it jump again and peel of half a spool of line! Towards the end even a guy as experienced as Steve, was brought to his knees exhausted, dripping with sweat, and shaking in pain, but he DID IT! Nice work buddy! This is the biggest fish one of my clients has caught this season, and the 3rd largest one any client has landed on my boat in over 15 years of guiding for sturgeon! She inhaled the piece of lamprey eel so deep we could barley get to the hook, but did safely.  She measured in at 3 meters to the fork of the tail, well over 11 feet overall and had a girth of 58 inches that carried all the way back to the anal fins, super fat! While there is no actual way to get weights on these monsters, if you were to poll all the guides out there, you'd get answers ranging from 550-900lbs so? I'll just say it was huge. You may find it interesting to know that she had been previously tagged in the Fraser River Sturgeon Society's, monitoring and assessment program! Check out some pics of her below, I wish I had got better photos, but you can only do so much with a couple guys. To put it into perspective the picture beside my 17 foot boat shows just how long it really is, and knowing that Steve is a BIG dude you can realize the girth and weight she had! 
Great job Steve, and happy birthday!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Dry fly Steelhead fishing

Spent the last week in what I consider to be one of the greatest places to fish wild steelhead on the fly. My LONG time fly fishing, bowhunting, waterfowling, friend Brad Siemens and I had previously guided on the Babine river. After almost ten years since we moved on to bigger and better things (Family and real jobs lol!) we decided it was time to go back and spend a little time fishing for ourselves. We brought along a first time Babine steelheader named Ryan, but also known as "young buck" to help show us what was lurking in the depths. Your chances of seeing a wild steelhead over 20 pounds on the fly on the Babine river, is better than anywhere in the world! My goal was to fish dry flies the entire week if the conditions permited. The chances of hooking one of those 20+ pound hawgs drops considerably when fishing dries but I have done it in the past, so why not? Upon arrival, we found the best possble dry fly conditions you could ask for! So we set up camp and got to it. I stuck to my guns and fished a dry the entire week other than one run, that didn't look to conducive to the dry on the third day. It didn't yield the big 20 pound buck i had hoped but I did land a nice little hen on an       ''Electrik Leech''. The sun was an issue with the water being soooo clear, and first and last light were the time to be waking bugs. The rest of the day was finding any run you could with shade on it. In the end my slowest day (if you can call it that? LOL) was rising 1 fish to the dry, and my best was raising 9! The highlights of the trip were spending time with Brad and especially watching him hook and land a nice buck on his favorite run while ''grease lining'' his favorite wet fly the ''Superfly"! We had some great meals cooked on an open fire, with stunning night skies. I haven't received any of Brad or Ryan's pics of our adventure yet but will share some of what I took, enjoy ;)

Our home base for the week

Ate loads of great food, like bighorn sheep steaks, chicken, mountain goat burgers, and bacon and eggs!

Oh, and farm fresh eggs from Brad's place!

A monster hen on the dry!

couple pics of Brad's favorite run named ''Callaghan's''

Brad's buck on his ''Superfly"
This kind of water screams waking flies!!
''Waked'' flies produced fish like this on average all week!

Brad lands a nice little hen for me, the only fish I took on a wet fly, an "Electrik" Leech of course!

Brad with a real nice buck landed on the last evening on his "foamback" pattern

We were sooooo lucky with the weather!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Last minute goose hunt :)

Well when you get an opportunity to have a morning off at this time of year you'd better make the most of it! It's doubly important, once you find out your waterfowling partner also has it off!!! Working every day this time of year has meant that I have never taken advantage of the early Canada Goose opening that we get from September 1st to 9th where I live. Long story short, a plan was formulated, and my buddy Chad and myself were blasting upriver at first light to set up some decoys for the morning flight. The first set of birds came gliding right in like something out of a movie but passed just right of our spread out of range and landed!!!  Our camo, and cover must have worked well as they didn't know we were there. The next flight came in shortly after but a few of them ventured a little too close for thier own good lol!! Enjoy some pics from a great morning off. Mmmmm goose!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What's happening?

With less than a hand full of days off since the middle of July it's been a struggle to keep up with my blog so I apologize. Here's what's happening, been out chasing dinosaurs and trout. The weather has been incredible, and it's hard to believe it's September and the kids are back in school! Catching lots of big fish lately, and making lots of new friends :) Busy preparing for my trip to the steelhead "mecca" the Babine river in a week. Be sure to check back for a post about that one!! It should be a beauty!
Tight lines......... <"))))<
nice 6 1/2 footer
"double header" on 6 footers!!

crazy skull cap!

perfect morning

beautiful cutthroat trout

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